Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Last week the State University of New York Athletic Conference (SUNYAC) announced the Commissioner’s List and All-Academic Team for the spring 2013 semester.

Qualifications needed to be named to the All Academic List are as follows:

1. Must be a varsity Athlete
2. Must have completed the entire season
3. Must have a minimum 3.3 grade point average for the semester in which they competed

Brockport's All Academic List honorees were...

Christian Cangro
Bobby Conner
Matt DeLuca
Jessie Facchinni
Scott Fasano
Aaron Green
Jared Lockhurst
Chris Luker
James Ryan
Colby Spoooner
Michael Zagari

Qualifications needed to be named to the Commissioner's List are as follows:

1. Must be a varsity Athlete
2. Must have completed the entire season
3. Must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3 based on three semesters at the insitution. (Does not have to be consecutive semesters).

Brockport icemen on the list....

Matt DeLuca
Scott Fasano
Aaron Green
Brendon Rothfuss