Thursday, October 29, 2009


USCHO's stellar SUNYAC correspondent, Russell Jaslow, released his annual SUNYAC preview today. As always, it's a good read.

Russell addresses the questionable goaltending across the conference, noting that many teams are struggling to fill that important position, something that's not a worry for the Golden Eagles. He declares that Brockport's own Todd Sheridan may be the best in the league.

He then goes out on a limb and defies conventional SUNYAC logic, picking Brockport to finish third. His reasoning:

"Brockport for third place? Why not?"

"This was a team that shocked the league last year when everyone thought they were in a rebuilding year. Instead, they hosted their first ever playoff game and produced the school’s first ever postseason victory. This was due mostly to the outstanding play of goaltender Todd Sheridan — overshadowed in the SUNYAC only by Bryan Hince — and the unselfish play of the team and the camaraderie built up over the season."

You can read his full analysis of the team - and all others in the SUNYAC - here:,17358/SUNYACSeasonPreview.html